Peter Till
Music Engineer
The trained mechanic and tool-maker Peter Till, born in 1959, lives in Dresden and has been a freelance musician since 1981.
• 1983 – 1989 keyboarder, composer and arranger with the “Rocktheater Regenwiese“
• since 1992 collaboration with Dieter Beckert – “Herr Beckert & Vergissmeinnicht”
• with Dieter Beckert “Beulenspiegel – Produktion” – booking, set design, music, and direction of various theater productions
• 1998 invention of the “Universal Druckluft Orchester” and construction of various mechanical instruments
• since 2007 on solo tour with “Music on wheels”
The music mechanic is simultaneously inventor, builder and operator, which accounts for the reliability of the highly functional musical apparatus.
High resolution photos available here.