Codex Dresdensis
You may remember December 21st, 2012? The day the world was supposed to end. Esoterics and astrologers predicted natural disasters of unknown magnitude and referred to an alleged prophecy from the ancient Mayan calendar. The day passed like all the others before it. For the Maya themselves, this important date marked the end of a 400-year Baktun (a Mayan calendar cycle) and the beginning of a new period.
One of the three Mayan manuscripts preserved worldwide and the only one publicly accessible is the Codex Dresdensis, which is available in the treasury of the Saxon State Library – State & University Library Dresden and which has contributed significantly to the understanding of the Maya calendar.
From the concert hall under the treasury chamber, the Dresden Symphony Orchestra joined Mayan musicians and a Mayan singer in Mexico City live via satellite across the ocean at midnight on December 21st. Welcoming the 14th Baktun together, the performance was a vestige to an ancient culture and a celebration of the turn of time.
Jens Legler, E-Guitar – Germany
Jesús Lara, Bass Guitar – Mexico
Luis Miguel Costero, Drums – Mexico
José Areán, Conductor – Mexico
Sara Curruchich Cúmez, Maya-Singer from Guatemala
Gonzalo Ceja und Horacio Franco, Maya-Instruments
Tom Roeder, Light Design and Pyrotechnics
A production by the Dresdner Sinfoniker in cooperation with the Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden and supported by the Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen and the Stadt Dresden – Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz. Kindly supported by Lufthansa, Lichtenauer Mineralquellen, Radeberger, Kronsegler and Neumann & Müller Veranstaltungstechnik.

21. December 2012 | 9:30 pm | Dresden
Sächsische Landesbibliothek
Konzert zum Ende der Zeit
Live broadcast on arte concert, Deutschlandradio Kultur and MDR
Silvestre Revueltas – Sensemayá, – Homenaje a Federico Garcia Lorca
Enrico Chapela – Lo Nato Es Neta
Enrico Chapela – Albactún
World premiere with live broadcast at Museo Anahuacalli, Mexico City
14. March 2014 | 8:30 pm | Mexico City
Palace of Fine Arts
Concert at the FMX Festival